Poster G.B. Guadagnini "Cozio" viola 1773
Categoria Shop
29,51 €
Poster The Strad
Poster fotografico e tecnico con misure in mm sul retro
Dimensioni: 680 x 840 mm
This viola is one of the first to be made by Giovanni Battista Guadagnini during his ‘Turin period’, which saw the crafting of some of his finest works. His regular income from Count Cozio di Salabue gave him greater freedom to experiment, as evidenced by this small-size viola with high-set f-holes and enlarged centre bouts. With a back length of 400mm, it has wide, full arching and a brilliant yellow-orange varnish. The poster includes high-definition CT scans as well as full measurements.
‘The workmanship of the viola is of great quality and care: the archings are perfectly cut and finished, the interior appears to be in an excellent state of conservation, and it bears a number of the maker’s marks’ – Alberto Giordano in the January 2022 issue
Categoria Shop In magazzino 3 Articoli
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This viola is one of the first to be made by Giovanni Battista Guadagnini during his ‘Turin period’, which saw the crafting of some of his finest works. His regular income from Count Cozio di Salabue gave him greater freedom to experiment, as evidenced by this small-size viola with high-set f-holes and enlarged centre bouts. With a back length of 400mm, it has wide, full arching and a brilliant yellow-orange varnish. The poster includes high-definition CT scans as well as full measurements.
‘The workmanship of the viola is of great quality and care: the archings are perfectly cut and finished, the interior appears to be in an excellent state of conservation, and it bears a number of the maker’s marks’ – Alberto Giordano in the January 2022 issue
Categoria Shop In magazzino 3 Articoli
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